house of worship, holidays

How to Ensure House of Worship Security Over the Holidays

The holidays are a time to gather together and count our many blessings. However, for some, it could be the perfect time to take advantage of a public place of worship and inflict terror and harm on a mass scale. It’s important to note that no religion is exempt from a possible act of violence. …

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HR, human resources policies and procedures, policies, small business, PI

When Should an Attorney Hire a PI?

Attorneys generally appreciate any partner that can lessen their workload and help them push their client’s case along. Attorneys and Private Investigators (PIs) have a symbiotic relationship, and developing that relationship will allow each party to thrive. Relationship between an Attorney and PI Communication, experience, and timeliness are the most critical aspects, mainly because legal …

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employee, corporate culture, toxic workplace,

Employee Recognition and Rewards Should Not be Treated Equally

There is no doubt that recognition and reward programs make employees feel appreciated, spur innovation and give workers the incentive to put in the extra effort needed at work from time to time. However, each employee is different in how they wish to be recognized. Maritz determined there are six recognition awards categories most employees …

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Trucking Terrorism in Nice France 2016

How Organizations Can Address the Rise in Trucking Terrorism

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) warns the US trucking industry to be vigilant to protect themselves against the escalation of ramming attacks. Trucks are now terrorists’ number one weapon. They are readily available and, in some cases, easy to obtain. Used in France and Germany in 2016 as ramming tools, trucks are also the perfect …

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guns in the workplace, HR Policies on Weapons in the Workplace

How to Handle Guns in the Workplace

With 464 US mass shootings year-to-date, they are becoming a part of our country’s fabric. And since people spend most of their time at work, the need to feel safe there has also increased. For some, purchasing and carrying a handgun into their place of employment has become the solution. For others, the presence of …

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