Suspicious or Wrongful Death Investigations

Deaths that have been officially ruled a suicide, natural or accidental may have a different cause. Original investigating agencies such as local law enforcement or a coroner/medical examiner sometimes overlook or misinterpret facts and evidence. The primary reason for these oversights is the lack of time or resources due to funding and personnel constraints.

Questionable Deaths

Relatives and friends of the deceased are often left with unanswered questions about suspicious circumstances. This leads to the inability to accept the official ruling and creates a lack of closure. An independent investigation conducted by an experienced private investigator can answer unresolved questions, providing closure and uncovering evidence of criminal activity or negligence.

Uncover the Truth

An experienced private investigator will obtain and review all photographs and investigative, toxicology or autopsy reports compiled by law enforcement and the coroner/medical examiner. These reports contain terms and observations which are not familiar to a layperson. The original investigation will be reviewed for depth, accuracy, gaps, or missteps. Generally, witnesses will be re-interviewed, and more frequently, persons who have not been interviewed by law enforcement will be identified and interviewed. Witnesses interviewed by a private investigator tend to be more relaxed and cooperative, providing additional facts, circumstances, and evidence. Law enforcement investigations follow institutional protocols, which may eliminate interviews of persons of interest to the client.  An experienced private investigator will have the time and insight to pursue alternative theories and investigative paths.

Wrongful Death is a Civil Matter

Wrongful death investigations, because they are civil matters, go beyond the responsibilities of governmental agencies. The original investigation provides a small portion of the total picture. An experienced private investigator can offer relatives and attorneys with the information required to pursue a successful wrongful death lawsuit.

Need a Professional Investigator?

SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc. is staffed with experienced investigators and seasoned experts who can assist with questionable deaths and criminal and civil investigations. Contact or call us at 330-255-1101 for any assistance you may need in these circumstances.

by Fred Wolk, Investigator, SACS Consulting Services