credit score, SACS Consulting

Can Your Credit Report Cost You a Job Opportunity?

Believe it or not, whether you get a job or not, might lie in your credit report. Learn about the legal ways employers can check your credit and proactive ways to stay ahead of the credit curve.

unionized, union, National Labor Board, SACS Consulting, HR policies

Is Your Company at Risk for Being Unionized?

There are risk to being unionized that you should know. The innocent act of selling baked goods or crafts onsite can open you up to union representation.

corporate activism, SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.

Is Corporate Activism Good for the Bottom Line?

Only a few, short years ago, all company communications had to run through one or two people. Organizations were silent about political or hot-bed items. If an employee talked out of turn, that was often a fireable offense. Oh, how times have changed. Here are just a few corporate activism examples: Dick’s Sporting Goods stopped …

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Boomerang Employees

Boomerang Employees on the Rise

In years past, leaving a job most likely meant that an employee would never be rehired at that company — a phenomenon known as burning bridges. But that is not the case anymore in most organizations.  Finding good talent is more challenging so many companies are making an effort to keep in touch with former …

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