Elder Financial Abuse, checkbook

Suspect Your Elderly Loved One is Being Financially Abused?

Elder abuse is something no one wants to admit happens, but it is increasing in frequency and it’s up to the younger generation to stop it. In a previous blog, we discussed the three types of abuse our aging loved ones are targets for: physical, psychological and financial. For our aging population who often suffer …

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Private Investigators, PI, Investigator, Investigation

How Private Investigators Resolve Sensitive Situations

Most people think of private investigators regarding movies or television shows. These fictional PI’s are usually the focal point to help a damsel in distress solve an awkward personal situation found in suspense novels. However, in the real world, a licensed private investigator helps people research, monitor and compile unbiased facts to resolve sensitive situations …

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Investigate When Elder Abuse is Suspected

What to Do When a Loved One is a Victim of Elder Abuse

Unfortunately, our elderly are perfect targets for abuse. In fact, 1 out of 10 senior citizens will experience some type of abuse according to the National Center on Elder Abuse. Elder abuse can affect any family, no matter the race, creed, or socio-economic background. However, only 20 percent of elder abuse cases are reported – …

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Elder Abuse

What is Elder Abuse?

Over 3.2 million adults live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in the U.S. Up to 40 percent of all adults will enter a nursing home at some point during their lives and as the U.S. population ages, the number of nursing home residents is expected to grow. Many of these elders are …

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