Please Do Not Disturb Sign

The End of Do Not Disturb Signs?

Everyone who’s traveled even a little bit is familiar with this practice at hotels –  if you don’t want to be bothered you place a “Do not Disturb” sign on the outside door handle. But that sign may soon become extinct. After the Las Vegas shooter killed 58l by sneaking thousands of rounds of ammunition and …

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Critical Trauma in the Workplace Caused by Accident and/or Acts of Violence

What to Do When There is Critical Trauma in the Workplace

Active shooter, workplace violence, industrial accidents, random criminal violence, the unexpected need for self-defense — these are the main reasons why the American worker must be prepared for critical trauma situations in the workplace. When it comes to minimizing injury and in some cases preventing death, the mindset of “IF this happens” needs to be …

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Boomerang Employees

Boomerang Employees on the Rise

In years past, leaving a job most likely meant that an employee would never be rehired at that company — a phenomenon known as burning bridges. But that is not the case anymore in most organizations.  Finding good talent is more challenging so many companies are making an effort to keep in touch with former …

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Door-to-Door Scam Artist, scams

When Deception Goes Door to Door

Fall has arrived and as homeowners start to ready their homes for the winter season, they are ripe prey for door-to-door scam artists. Scam artists know when and how to strike. They will approach you as the season changes to solicit work, but often their main objective is to gain access to your home, or …

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social media endorsements

Navigating Endorsements on Social Media Channels

The rise of on-demand TV and web browser control options is allowing consumers frustrated with TV and pop-up online ads to turn off unwanted solicitations. However, the advertising world is constantly looking for new ways to carry their message to the masses and one way that seems to work and to gain the attention of …

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