What Every Business Should Know About Electronic Security

Electronic security systems are only as good as their design, implementation, adoption, and ongoing maintenance. They must account for the health and safety of employees and the value of property and equipment. According to the Electronic Security Association, organizations should also ensure that security systems protect against fire, vandalism, and other unforeseen incidents.

Electronic Security Trends

More businesses are incorporating AI and machine learning into their security systems. These technologies enhance threat detection, automate responses, and provide advanced analytics. In 2023, 57% of businesses reported using AI-powered security solutions, up from 45% in 2022.

The shift to cloud-based security solutions continues to grow. These systems offer scalability, remote access, and lower upfront costs.

Integrating cybersecurity with physical security systems is becoming essential as cyber threats increase. In 2023, 72% of organizations reported taking steps to integrate their cybersecurity and physical security measures, a significant rise from previous years.

Employee training on security systems is increasingly prioritized.

Biometric access control systems, including facial recognition and fingerprint scanners, are becoming more prevalent.

 Electronic Security Best Practices

Electronic security can be daunting, so here are some things to take into account when updating or implementing an electronic security solution:

  1. Electronic security is a powerful and effective tool, but it will remain vulnerable unless an organization can get buy-in from all employees. Employees can sabotage an electronic security system by sharing key cards, propping open doors, sharing login information, or letting visitors into the building without verification.
  2. Ensure all employees know how to use the security systems and what is acceptable or unacceptable.
  3. System coverage should extend beyond the organization’s facility to easily accessible areas such as parking garages and outlying structures. Since the public usually has access to these areas, monitoring and protection should extend to them.
  4. Security systems should cover all access points, including fire exits, stairwells, elevators, and rooftop hatch openings. To achieve this, an organization should install multiple types of security devices.
  5. Security experts can best choose, install, and train your organization on your existing or new security system. There are many aspects of security that the layperson may not be aware of or lack the knowledge to understand fully. Look to the experts to ensure your time and money are used wisely.

The Big Picture

Electronic security systems are a serious undertaking. Most often, the biggest mistakes are made when the organization loses sight of why they are implementing an electronic security system in the first place. Remember the following:

Security needs to focus on controlling and protecting your people flow, which includes your employees, visitors, clients, and unwanted guests.

Security is only as good as your employees’ understanding of it, support of it, and realization of its benefits to them as individuals.

The best security programs start with security officers at the front door entrance and a security message delivered each time someone walks into the business.

About SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.

Our team can assist your organization with electronic security from the design phase to training your employees to ensure proper solution purchase. Call us at 330-255-1101 to speak with one of our security experts today.