BYOD, Bring Your Own Device

BYOD Policies: Are You Taking a Stand?

In an era where technology evolves at lightning speed, keeping up can be daunting for any employer. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend continues gaining traction as more companies embrace the cost-saving and morale-boosting benefits of allowing employees to use their laptops, tablets, and smartphones for work. However, with these advantages come significant security …

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positive work culture, happy workforce

How Positivity Outshines Punishment in Boosting Workforce Productivity

In the bustling corporate world, a common question often arises: Is success a result of relentless pressure from management, or does a positive work environment lead to better outcomes? Recent findings from the American Psychological Association found that stress and unrealistic expectations lead to employee disengagement, characterized by: 60% more errors on the job compared …

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positive work culture, happy employees

How to Create a Positive Company Culture

Where Culture and Purpose Converge Gone are the days of the take-no-prisoners corporate mentality. A culture driven by fear and pressure is counterproductive in the contemporary workforce. Today’s most innovative and successful companies stand at the intersection of culture and purpose. Understanding why traditional, negative approaches fail is the first step toward transformation. The Modern …

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social media, social media policies, SACS Consulting

Can Your Social Media Posts Be Used During an Investigation?

In today’s digital age, it’s common to find people sharing every aspect of their lives on social media, from the food they ate for breakfast to the most intimate moments of their lives. But have you ever paused to think about the potential legal implications of your posts? Specifically, can your social media activity be …

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