Human Resources, HR Due Process

5 Guidelines for Hiring to Firing Due Process

Terminating an employee is never easy. It can be emotional, can affect employee morale and even have potential legal ramifications. That’s why it is extremely important to make sure you have well-constructed procedures and policies in place before undertaking any employee terminations. Studies have shown that not following due process can be very costly to …

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Security During Strikes, employees go on strike

Keeping Your Company Secure When Employees Go on Strike

You, your management team, and your employees have been to collective bargaining and mediation, but the meetings have not been fruitful. You are all frustrated with the outcome and it is looking like a strike is imminent. All it is going to take is a vote by the union to seal the deal. It is …

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Door-to-Door Scam Artist, scams

When Deception Goes Door to Door

Fall has arrived and as homeowners start to ready their homes for the winter season, they are ripe prey for door-to-door scam artists. Scam artists know when and how to strike. They will approach you as the season changes to solicit work, but often their main objective is to gain access to your home, or …

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social media endorsements

Navigating Endorsements on Social Media Channels

The rise of on-demand TV and web browser control options is allowing consumers frustrated with TV and pop-up online ads to turn off unwanted solicitations. However, the advertising world is constantly looking for new ways to carry their message to the masses and one way that seems to work and to gain the attention of …

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Help prevent terror attacks, see something, say something

How Can You Help Thwart Terror Attacks?

The concept of terrorism was such a bizarre thing to Americans in the early 1990’s. I remember an associate of mine describing their first brush with it in a London tube station. There was an announcement about a “suspect parcel” on one of the trains. They were calmly asked to “please exit the station”. They …

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