Training: Identifying High Risk Employees

Employees are our greatest asset, but they can also be an organization’s greatest liability when they become high risk. High risk employees usually struggle with substance abuse or behavioral problems.  What is important to understand about high risk employees is they usually present a problem and/or create conflict for all they come in contact with on a day-to-day basis, especially at work.  They not only hurt themselves, but can impact an organization’s bottom line and everyone’s personal safety.

SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.’s Identifying High Risk Employees training explains how employers can identify behaviors and physical signs that could indicate a high risk employee:

  • Understand the most common personality types to watch for
  • Identify signs of drug and alcohol abuse
  • Discuss relationship problems that may exist with co-workers and others
  • Discuss the harm to the workplace caused by high risk employees

Don’t wait until someone gets hurt or the organizational culture becomes irrevocably damaged. Contact us to schedule Identifying High Risk Employee training with one of our training professionals today!