Human Resources Procedures: Termination

75% of companies have experienced internal security breaches, 14% of which were committed by employees. Most of these were done by recently terminated employees. It’s never easy to fire someone. In fact, it can be down right awkward and in some cases volatile. In order to protect your employees and your data, it is imperative to have an HR procedure in place for when there is no other course of action but to terminate an employee. Below is a list of considerations that should be addressed within a termination procedure:

  • Who makes the final decision to terminate
  • Which departments are alerted/involved (HR, IT etc.)
  • Who is present during the termination
  • What items (key cards, laptops, mobile devices) must be obtained from the employee

Make sure to be prepared on all fronts when letting go of someone at your organization. SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc. can establish an HR Procedure for Termination to ensure it goes as smoothly and as violence free as possible. Call us today to speak with one of our HR Procedures specialists today!