Human Resource Procedures: Management

58% of all managers admit that they have had no management training. Not surprisingly, 20% of all employees rate their direct supervisors performance as “poor” or “very poor”.  This is because most companies assume employees that are either hired from the outside or who are promoted from within, will learn the skills to manage effectively by simply managing. The statistics say otherwise.

Organizations should focus on hiring/promoting managers with character, but help them succeed by having procedures in place for acquiring and nurturing necessary management skills. If organizations look to improve their manager’s performance, HR procedures must be in place to assure success, as much as possible. 

SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc. knows the best HR Procedures for Management. SACS can help your organization develop management procedures to ensure managers are trained properly in order to truly “manage” your employees. This in turn will enable your organization to act and not constantly react to situations that a manager should have had full control over. Contact us to speak with one of our HR Procedure specialist today to help your organization cultivate successful managers!