Uncovering the Truth at Work

Uncovering the Truth at Work

In our previous blog, How to Detect Lies in the Workplace, we discussed how common the practice of lying is in the workplace. There are verbal cues to watch out for to detect when someone is lying. However, it is important to remember common “tells” do not always indicate that the person is a liar. …

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Preparation is the key to Safety, crisis

Prepare for a Crisis You May Never Have?

What’s the number one security problem in the workplace? The belief that “it can’t happen here!” No one predicted the massacre at the Boston marathon, or that a crazy shooter would shoot up a movie theater. Unfortunately, in today’s climate, ALL workplaces need to be ready to address a violent incident – whether it comes …

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Wrongful Death Investigations

Suspicious or Wrongful Death Investigations

Deaths that have been officially ruled a suicide, natural or accidental may have a different cause. Original investigating agencies such as local law enforcement or a coroner/medical examiner sometimes overlook or misinterpret facts and evidence. The primary reason for these oversights is the lack of time or resources due to funding and personnel constraints. Questionable …

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Equifax Security Breach, cyber attack, data breach

Worried about the Equifax Breach?

In early September 2017, one of the three major credit bureaus, Equifax, announced a major data breach which compromised the personal information (names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, social security numbers and dates of birth) of 143 million Americans. According to the FTC, the breach lasted from mid-May through July of this year. Find Out More …

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Detecting Lies at Work, lies in the workplace

How to Detect Lies in the Workplace

Lying is an inherently human trait, without question. Everyone has lied at one time or another. But even if the lie is to protect someone or something (e.g. company), it’s still a lie. Therefore, it should be no surprise that lies in the workplace happen all the time. In fact, 83% of college undergraduates admit …

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