Training: Detecting the Lie

Lying in the Workplace is a Fact of Life

Whether it is a coworker, customer or vendor, lying is more common than you think! In one study, 50% of workers admit to committing at least one unethical action over the course of a year. The reasons why people lie varies, but there are ways to find out the truth behind the deception.

SACS Consulting & Investigative Services, Inc.’s Detecting the Lie training will enable participants to learn proven methods to detect lies and deception in the workplace and in transactions with vendors and customers. Ten separate sections are entitled:

  • It all comes down to this: the methodology
  • What to watch out for: don’t get tripped up by obstacles
  • What deception sounds like
  • The most powerful lies of all: convincing statements and lies of influence
  • Looking for deception: physical indicators
  • You’ve got to ask to get the answers: the interview
  • Know how to ask the right types of questions
  • Manage deception: gain the advantage
  • Taking it all in: what to watch out for
  • Wrap it all up: intuit what you’ve learned

Don’t let the wool be pulled over your eyes! Contact us to speak with one of our training professionals to schedule training for your organization today.