covid19 vaccine, covid19, coronavirus, vaccination, SACS Consulting

Are Employees Required to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 is beginning to roll out yet some people are redicient to take it. If you are a business owner or manager, can you force your employees to take it? The short answer is yes, but the longer one is – it’s complicated. Read what to do if they refuse and how you might incentivize them to participate.

hate crimes

What You Can do to Stop Hate Crimes

Hate crimes are on the rise according to the latest FBI reporting. In 2020 and 2021, xenophobia is especially high targeting Asian Americans. Here’s what you can do about it.

wellness programs, EAP, employee assistance programs

Wellness Programs Remain Prevalent

Wellness Programs such as meditation, yoga, subsidized vaccinations, and wellness checkups are beneficial for all employees, especially today.

ALiCE training

Why ALiCE Training Matters

This blog post focuses on the history of ALiCE training and why it’s so important to businesses, schools, and worship houses.